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Let’s go back a few years to the fall of 2014 …
We were a one car family. When summer hit, Steve started taking the car because I didn’t have to run the kids to and from activities every day. I loved just being at home, and only having the car once a week. But then it happened; Steve needed to be at work in the early morning and I needed the car the same day. I got agitated and vented that it would be easier if we still had two vehicles. Steve commented, tongue in cheek, that he should look into getting a Vespa – one of those little scooters.
That is when the wheels started turning though … My college boyfriend had a motorcycle and I absolutely LOVED it! In fact, shortly after we bought the house, Steve and I had considered getting motorcycles, but then I found out I was pregnant with David, so we decided to hold off. Seven years later, it was looking like a motorcycle would be a practical and inexpensive way to solve our family’s transportation problems.
Over the course of 2 weeks, Steve decided to get a motorcycle, took the written test to get his motorcycle permit, applied for financing through our credit union, researched a bunch of bikes (he already had a really good idea as to what he wanted – a Triumph), registered for the Basic Rider Program, checked out a few bikes at Mt Holly Kawasaki Suzuki, purchased a motorcycle, and had it delivered to our home. WHEW!
The bike, a 2013 Triumph Speedmaster, was delivered in late August and Steve is enjoyed going for short rides around our neighborhood to get used to how it handles, and get comfortable riding before he starts taking it to work. The Basic Rider Course was scheduled for the first weekend of September, so he’s being cautious until then.
What surprises me the most in this entire process … People saying that they can’t believe I “LET” him get a motorcycle!
I have a few things to say about that:
- He’s my husband, not a child; I don’t “LET” him do anything.
- When we make a decision for a large purchase whether it be a new TV or a motorcycle, we discuss all of the details together
- The monthly payment on the motorcycle will be less than the cost of a monthly train pass
- The 150 miles I was putting on the car each week taking Steve to work was costing us about $19.50/wk (25mpg at $3.25/gal). On the motorcycle, it will cost us about $9.50/wk. Total savings of $40/mo = $480/yr, and even though gas prices are much lower now than when we purchased the motorcycle, the savings still add up
- It is cheaper to insure a motorcycle than a second car
- The cost of insurance is less than the annual fuel savings so we still come out ahead.
- I get my time back! Over 1.5 hours per day, 5 days a week is mine! In the afternoons, I no longer have to wake the baby to put him in the car to pick Steve up from the train. In the course of a year, I get back 390 hours or 16 1/4 days just by not driving!
- When dressed for the weather, you can ride a bike during all 12 months, meaning the only time Steve may need the car is in torrential downpours as well as snow & ice.
As you can see, there is a whole lot for me to be happy with this motorcycle arrangement. But in all of this discussion, I did put a few request on the table:
- always wear a helmet even though there are no helmet laws in PA – he agreed
- get a bike that I am comfortable riding on – he did
- no one gets to be a passenger on the bike until I’ve had my ride – he also agreed
So I “LET” my husband get a motorcycle because it is helping out our family. According to his friends, that makes me wife of the year, and I’m okay with that.
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