Gardening in Small Spaces
Gardening in small spaces means you can have your own Victory Garden no matter where you live. Container gardening and raised bed gardening help to make the most of your small spaces.
Gardening in small spaces means you can have your own Victory Garden no matter where you live. Container gardening and raised bed gardening help to make the most of your small spaces.
Throughout the spring, I will be doing a series of in-person workshops talking about plants, and how to grow them when you have less than ideal conditions. The two main topics to overcome poor conditions are Square Foot Gardening (SFG) and container gardening. Over the next few days, I will be sharing a series of …
I know what you’re thinking, “A fall garden? It’s only July!” But now is exactly when you should be thinking about your fall garden. What types of crops do you want to harvest into December and January? What garden beds will be available to you? Do your local nurseries carry seedlings this time of year, …
So far, 2018 has had some of the strangest weather. It started out with an extremely cold winter. Then, we had a wet spring. Our local weather forecaster announced today that this weekend will be our first dry weekend since before Easter! Mother Nature is weird. That said, my garden beds never got started this …
Setting Up Your Square Foot Beds The whole idea behind Square Foot Gardening (SFG) is to grow more in less space. This saves you time, money, and resources while producing an abundance of produce! The traditional square foot gardening bed is a 4’x4′ square, but you can apply this technique to any raised garden beds. I have …