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To all of the homeschooling/cyber schooling parents during this back to homeschool season:
Give yourself grace. Even with a cyber school, homeschooling your child(ren) is a challenge. There is a lot of work for them and for you. There is a learning curve as you get used to the technology, courses, and teachers. It takes a while to get your feet under you and to feel completely confident in what you are doing. It’s normal.
We now have 2 years under our belt, but the best advice I was given was if the shit hits the fans in any way shape, or form, call it a day, and start over tomorrow. You have plenty of time to play catch up academically and be “on task” but don’t jeopardize your sanity or your relationship with your children to do it.
Accept that the house won’t be as clean as you like. Meals might not be when you want them to be. You may not get done everything you want to do during a given day, week, or even month. Remember, that it’s ok. Everything will eventually get done, and before you know it, you will be talking to a new family, telling them it will be ok.
Remember when you first had your child(ren) and apply those strategies to getting things done now. Have family help on evenings/weekends so you can do the things you want/need to do. Order carry-out, plan freezer meals, and use your crockpot since the days may be longer than you anticipated. Take advantage of the local grocery delivery services so that’s one thing you can cross off your list. Use paper plates so you don’t have to do dishes, etc. You get the idea.
This is only one season of your life, and in each season we have different things we are to learn – in this season it’s to give yourself grace.
Have a great school year!
Best of luck with your new school year!