My Goals for 2022
Setting goals weekly has gotten me through to this point, so why not set some big picture goals to tackle over the course of the year.
Setting goals weekly has gotten me through to this point, so why not set some big picture goals to tackle over the course of the year.
My overall goal is to be more self-reliant in 2019 than we were in 2018. Self-Reliance means we will be able to do more for ourselves and save money in the process. The time between Christmas and New Year’s is a wonderful time to reflect and set goals for the coming year. I am taking …
One of my goals for this year was to start making my own beauty products; particularly my own soap. I’ve already made a luxurious foaming hand soap, so now I want to make an equally luxurious bar soap. There are many soap bases available online and in craft stores. When you use a melt & …
Homesteading Goals for 2017 Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. For our family, it’s a way of life on our little 1/4-acre in the middle of suburbia. While there is still a lot we rely on others for, there is a lot we can do for ourselves. Through gardening, food preservation, and a lot of …