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Day 7: Declutter the Storage Closet
The same rules apply for decluttering your storage closets as any other space in your home. Give yourself 10 minutes on the timer, make sure you have your donate & sell bins ready to go, and get in there and start decluttering!
I’m not proud of the closet you see pictured above. Its a hot mess, but its the only closet I have for storage so everything ends up in there – my sewing supplies, camera, printer paper, board games, and a whole lot of other randomness. This closet is one of the few times I won’t empty everything out first, and instead I work around the stuff, maybe clearing 1 shelf at a time instead of the entire closet. But before you get started …
10 things to ask yourself as you start decluttering
- Have I used this in the last year?
- If not, is it something I love?
- If I was shopping right now, today, would I buy this item?
- Am I holding on to this for sentimental reasons?
- Am I saving this just in case?
- Does it work? Is it damaged?
- Will I use it? Be honest!
- Does it fit me and the life I am trying to have?
- Is this item worth the time and space I spend to store/clean it?
- Would the space its taking up be better used for something else?
Only you can decide what you should keep and what you should let go, but asking yourself these questions can make the decision clearer for you. Not your family or friends, so while having help when you undertake a large project is often a good thing, in situations like this, it could make it even more of a challenge.
I appreciate your honesty in this post. We all have that one space in our home where we let things pile up. Looking forward to the ‘after’ picture.